среда, 18. април 2018.

master detail oracle apex 5.1.x

Master detail oracle apex 5.1 have advanced options, older version apex (4.x/3.x) dont have, on one page could be put 2,3,4... interactive grid (known as tabular form on oldest apex version)
from master page (from master tables) user can view detail for every records( usefull in purchase order/ purchase order lines, invoices and invoice line, orders/order lines, Bill of Quantity / Bill Of quantity lines...all master - detailed situations)
theme 42 apex 5.1 have good performances with mozilla browsers (tablet, mobile ...) and apex users can get informations in any places.

Creating region with select type as interactive grid on design mode (not depretiotion mode) should be added details interactive grid with exactly row id selections.

недеља, 15. април 2018.

tracking contract for billing systems

Tracking contract values can be very usefull in billing systems, this example show how this work in oracle apex 5.1


  with nums as
 (select level r from dual connect by level <= 9999)
select t.START_DATES,add_months(t.START_DATES, decode(FLEX002,'MONTH',1,'YEAR',12) * (r-1) ) dt,t.FLEX002,t.NUMBER_OF_PARTS, nums.r,t.CODE_CO,
((VALUE_CO-t.PARTICIPATION-t.ADD_VALUE)/t.NUMBER_OF_PARTS) as debt_value_per_months
 from contract t, nums
 where t.NUMBER_OF_PARTS >= nums.r
 order by t.START_DATES

this view -plan insert values into PLAN_TABLE with procedure calling in final steps in oracle apex form, as active transactions or not, shoud be changes in contract adding cnex of contract-thats reason

 Modal dialog is form for input new values for new contract, consist :
contract values, contract begin -date, contract end -date, number of months between start date and end date is equivalent of number of rates, participation values, if some pay initialy money

Model dialog looks
and with java script have calculations for populate fields