субота, 19. октобар 2019.

ghant cart in apex 4 (implementation ADempiere 342 for spare parts importing and set up virtuemart as web stores)

fig 1 browser need flash install (best chrome)

Fig 2 tabular form as a good option for collect data

try demo:

недеља, 13. октобар 2019.

ADempiere 392 swing GUI
ADempiere scenario:
sales order (quotation) -  convert open proposal(or Quotation) to order-schipments- generate invoices-accounting informations

 Fig 1 GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin
Fig 2 Sales order
Fig 3 New sales order

Fig 4 Sales order line

Fig 5 Sales order status set to PREPARE
Fig 6 Sales order looks

Fig 7 Quote  Convert sales order to standard order
Fig 8 Quote convert completed
 Fig 9 set status
Fig 10 conversion completed
 Fig 11 Create shipments from orders and create invoice from shipments with account posting in general ledger (generate schipmentas process exist in earlier version ADempiere 342s/360/370 as indepentent process/icons)

Fig 12 Shipment (customer) older process is replaced with this one
Fig 13 Generate invoice

Fig 14 Generate invoice (quotation is from 8 10 2019 with date promised 9 10, sales order converted from quotation is 10 10 2019, shipment is from 13 10 2019 and invoice is from 13 10 2019 )
Fig 15 Posted accounting

ADempiere scenario:
sales order (quotation) -  convert open proposal(or Quotation) to order-schipments- generate invoices-accounting informations

Adempiere 391:
Fig 1 Show steps how to create sales order with ADempiere 391, target document set to quotations

Fig 2: When select warehouses, business partner, its need select products from all products and click SAVE button and its important that document status will be PREPARE (in process)

Fig 3 Starting quote process and select sales order with desireded number shown im select lists, and open againgselected sales order to change document to completed
 Fig 4 created order with status COMPLETED

ADempeire 342s:

 scenario as above:
sales order (quotation) -  convert open proposal(or Quotation) to order-schipments- generate invoices-accounting informations

Fig 5 creating sales order and set up quotations
Fig 6 select products (sales order lines)

Fig 7 dont exist in select lists created sales order quotations (process exist but dont work) its need creating kalendar period (last is from 2008 year)
Fig 8 roles and configurations are the same as in ADempiere 391. There is another differences, its more one process CREATING SHIPMENTS exist in ADempiere 342/360/370 but in ADempiere 391 is automaticaly creating invoices

Fig 9 set up kalendar
Fig 10 quote convert can convert quote to standard order
Fig 11 Shipment can be created too
Fig 12 invoice

Fig 21 printing pdf invoice

Fig 22 account posted

среда, 2. октобар 2019.

ADempiere392 sales order shipment invoice customers payment

ADempiere392 sales order-shipment -invoice customers -payment

detail steps:

 Fig 1 As log in GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin ist simple demonstration how to build sales order to cash proces in ADempiere version 391  Selected tab sales order

Fig 2  As log in GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin ist simple demonstration how to build sales order to cash proces in ADempiere version 391  Selected tab invoice customers

Fig 2 Shipment customers

Selected tab PAyment Fig 3

select orders

ADempeire 391 zk web client

Its interesting, when is comparation with older version of ADempiere, in version ADempiere 342 its posible creating sales order, but shipment customers give error as folows

select table_name, constraint_name, status, owner
from all_constraints where owner='ADEMPIERE342'



to jump the constraint error I have disabled key
alter table "M_INOUT" disable constraint
and next

 alter table "M_INOUT" disable constraint

alter table "M_INOUT" disable constraint

alter table "M_INOUT" disable constraint

alter table "M_INOUT" disable constraint

alter table "M_INOUT" disable constraint


and finaly working :)
(old perfect ADempiere 342 version is very simple ERP systems 
with no complexity relations as ADempiere 392 and very good for beginners)

next problem is invoice and payment too, but this is solved in ADempiere 360/370/380/390 ...