oracle apex 21.2 on oracle 21 c xe database Linux Centos 8 workstation (for laptops) instalations
pic 1 right click on mouse and run install
pic 2 centos 8 automaticaly install oracle 21 c xe and 21 pre instal rpm files
pic 4 apex 21.2 is copy unzip on /root/apex folders and with export oracle home and oracle sid need run /opt/oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/bin sqlplus sys/pass@ as sysdba and @apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/
and steps shown on pic 3 2,3 and i add 4 steps @apxrtins sysaux sysaux temp /i/
Most important is from sql run alter user apex_public_user account unlock
Pic 4 and static files path to image /root/i/ i - copy folder from apex images
and its important to run java (jdk 11) and orda need to be unziped into folder /root/ords and run from command line java -jar ords.war (before make ords.war executable) and put database parameters for ords. Every time when laptop is restarted its need type /root/ords java -jar ords.war.
SQL offer LISTAG DISTINCT AGGREGATIONS its new function oracle 21 c XE database have!
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