среда, 19. децембар 2012.

ADempeire 361 maintenance asset meter error - need simple step to modify

Hi all
I was trying to set maintenance on ADempiere 361 with FAM and maintenance
set by https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/idempiere/j4nBYQ-2f4c
and :
1) asset_meter its error by datetrx on mp_assetmeter table which could be set as
2) a_asset_disposed -  column isapproved should be set as default 'Y'
then it should be save Asset meter, disposed and meter log as addition
for assets regards preventive and corective maintenance.

If its posible, should be fine that this simple correction post on
official code repository, or if it's not posible, future users can simple change
this from database.
 table 1: asset_meter its error by datetrx on mp_assetmeter table which could be set as
table 2:a_asset_disposed -  column isapproved should be set as default 'Y'
need restart application, (re login) and all should wrk fine.
log in as 
super user (Administrator)  and Application Dictionary-Window tab & field
and on WORK ORDER  found  field : Document Status when un set Read only could be writable. After that all maintenance module working perfect.

среда, 5. децембар 2012.

ADempiere 361 final with Maintenance for 10min manual add

Its 10 minutes need to add missing windows on menu for maintenance part. On Enabled package user need add 2 special form VMPGenerateOT and VMPRequestOT

Next need add tasks before update Package User role to System roles.
Then start update role from Package User to system
Thats look like

Then need add folder Maintenance Management with one proces Prognosis, Windows RequestOT, WorkOrder and two forms VMPGenerateOT and VMPRequestOT and one sub folder Maintenance Management with 4 windows Meter, Standard Job, Maintenance (Preventive Maintenance) and Meter log
After that need log out and log in and maintenance should exist

PAckage need install with:

From SVN Adempiere as branch/Maintenance - this working
With home/Adempiere/packages/Maintenance folder
When its complete, need create sub folder .. lib/maintenance.jar(..Adempiere/packages/Maintenance/lib/maintenance.jar) and run silentsetup (..Adempiere/bash RUN_silentsetup.sh)
with this - last  step classes process prognosis work order will be added -org.compiere.process.MPProcessOT should exist on Adempiere/lib/Adempiere.jar as represent classes)