субота, 14. новембар 2009.

Work order

Creating Work orders include creating organisational structure, creating assets, group assets,
localy accounts, vendors, customers, werahouses as costing center with resources (one work order need one werahouse, one werahouse have location atributes), workflows, MRP, capacity planning, Bill of materials and main material (need hierarchy define main element (product P1) and coresponding elements (Products) with name, prices, UOM, q etc
This is way how can be create Work Order for electrical services in house, product are fuse set(include fuse 25Amp, 380/220V with main plate as materials) and operation fixing connections, cables, fuses, and controling and inspections and finaly using assets (cars for transport of goods). Unit of measure are hours (working hours for activity originaly-here calculated as final prices) and items. Workflow represent activities.


First step in creating BOM

Creating BOM from items(products)

Completed Work Order

BOM s element in Work Order

Completed Work order

2 коментара:

  1. congratulations! looks like you have set up adempiere successfully!

  2. thanks, at that moment I have testing it
    1) beckup every day Oracle XE database
    2) archives oracle adempiere.dmp files (every day)
    3) testing glassfish web server v2
    - logs
    - states
    So its stable (6 monhts working 24 hours) and could be used.
