уторак, 27. новембар 2018.

oracle 18 c xe ORDS with enabled rest service on table EMP (full schema hr)

photo 1 enable web service on table emp schema hr
photo 2 json contens

photo 3 row data

четвртак, 15. новембар 2018.

oracle 18 c xe import from dmp

With sqldeveloper could be easy created schema with specificaly privileges
to this desired users

then in terminal need run command imp

export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE
./imp SCHEMANAME/SCHEMAPASS@localhost:1521/xepdb1 file=/opt/Compiere.dmp FULL=Y

недеља, 11. новембар 2018.

New XEPDB xepdb2 where can be isntall other apex installation (for example apex 5,1 or 5,0 or 4,2 or 4,0 or 3,0)

photo 1 install new pdb in this example xepdb2
Photo 2 seting password for new pluggable databases
(max number of active pluggable database is 3, its posible non active pluggable databases de-attached and depends of purposes, could be re-attached and then de-attached)
Photo 3 final steps creatng new pluggable database.
Then installation of apex is like previous installation

Other way is manually over sqlplus
one of example link from google how to create pluggable database in oracle is

 export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE
export ORACLE_SID=XEPDB2 ***** (reference to new pluggable database) just created and ./sqlplus launch sql terminal
need set position for apex folders (4/5/18) and run @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ or other folders
and finaly  on /home/oracle folder user as oracle @apex_epg_config /home/oracle
and set port 8282 (difefrent the previous apex port its default 8080)
and finaly >@apxconf for configuration
(1.@apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/
2. @apex_epg_config /home/oracle
3.@apxconf all as NOT root user!!!)
Could be install max 3 apex on 18 c xe database

 Photo 4 Other apex version 5.1 on xepdb3 pluggable database
Thers is and one more pluggable database (xepdb4), and could be install any apex version (3/4/5/18)

Photo 5 two apex applications  one 18 on port 8080 other on port 8282 apex version 5.1

Photo 6 apprx 2 gbytes per initialy apex installation is need for any pluggable databases