Java script and region organisation of apex 18 pages
Apex have good way how to organise part of regions in one pages, with adding
new region, and set it on next row or current row, in this sample its easily set one by one regions (html with js or select from tables) With no loging pages, its limited options, for adding new regions (for example with interactive grids, master detailed or 2,3,4 up to 6-7 older called tabulary forms limited by page area)
with simple js button on html and connect with oracle database table columns its ease to make different kind of data manipulations, mathematics calculations, etc
This is olde example from apex 3.0 and 4.01 I m trying to implement into apex 18
and its no any complications, I can do, but new colors, new re-deployment functions oracle 5/18 apex have, make me difficulity, becouse I dont have routine, as I have on apex 4/3/2, but functionality and features apex 18 have make me very big interest to see and know how to make programs easily.
< input type="button" onclick
="console.log('log faj could be see with F12 browser firefox options')" value
="console.log() continue region 1"
----< input type=
---"button" onclick=
value="alert($v('P4_NEW'));" />
Apex have good way how to organise part of regions in one pages, with adding
new region, and set it on next row or current row, in this sample its easily set one by one regions (html with js or select from tables) With no loging pages, its limited options, for adding new regions (for example with interactive grids, master detailed or 2,3,4 up to 6-7 older called tabulary forms limited by page area)
with simple js button on html and connect with oracle database table columns its ease to make different kind of data manipulations, mathematics calculations, etc
This is olde example from apex 3.0 and 4.01 I m trying to implement into apex 18
and its no any complications, I can do, but new colors, new re-deployment functions oracle 5/18 apex have, make me difficulity, becouse I dont have routine, as I have on apex 4/3/2, but functionality and features apex 18 have make me very big interest to see and know how to make programs easily.
< input type="button" onclick
="console.log('log faj could be see with F12 browser firefox options')" value
="console.log() continue region 1"
----< input type=
---"button" onclick=
value="alert($v('P4_NEW'));" />