уторак, 18. децембар 2018.

apex 5 1 4 compared with apex 4.1 radio buttons jump to different pages

photo 1 Apex 5 have interactive reeport with select apex_item.radiogroup(1,deptno), dpname, dname, loc from dept, and to see in plain text as radio button need check button on right side as photo 1

 Users have option with selected rownum to jump to  different pages and pick selected with radio button parameters (its easy option for users working with apex application)

picked rownum and jump to new application

Apex 4 branches

                               apex 5 process and branches controled by button SELECT 4 or SELECT 5

уторак, 27. новембар 2018.

oracle 18 c xe ORDS with enabled rest service on table EMP (full schema hr)

photo 1 enable web service on table emp schema hr
photo 2 json contens

photo 3 row data

четвртак, 15. новембар 2018.

oracle 18 c xe import from dmp

With sqldeveloper could be easy created schema with specificaly privileges
to this desired users

then in terminal need run command imp

export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE
./imp SCHEMANAME/SCHEMAPASS@localhost:1521/xepdb1 file=/opt/Compiere.dmp FULL=Y

недеља, 11. новембар 2018.

New XEPDB xepdb2 where can be isntall other apex installation (for example apex 5,1 or 5,0 or 4,2 or 4,0 or 3,0)

photo 1 install new pdb in this example xepdb2
Photo 2 seting password for new pluggable databases
(max number of active pluggable database is 3, its posible non active pluggable databases de-attached and depends of purposes, could be re-attached and then de-attached)
Photo 3 final steps creatng new pluggable database.
Then installation of apex is like previous installation

Other way is manually over sqlplus
one of example link from google how to create pluggable database in oracle is

 export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE
export ORACLE_SID=XEPDB2 ***** (reference to new pluggable database) just created and ./sqlplus launch sql terminal
need set position for apex folders (4/5/18) and run @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ or other folders
and finaly  on /home/oracle folder user as oracle @apex_epg_config /home/oracle
and set port 8282 (difefrent the previous apex port its default 8080)
and finaly >@apxconf for configuration
(1.@apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/
2. @apex_epg_config /home/oracle
3.@apxconf all as NOT root user!!!)
Could be install max 3 apex on 18 c xe database

 Photo 4 Other apex version 5.1 on xepdb3 pluggable database
Thers is and one more pluggable database (xepdb4), and could be install any apex version (3/4/5/18)

Photo 5 two apex applications  one 18 on port 8080 other on port 8282 apex version 5.1

Photo 6 apprx 2 gbytes per initialy apex installation is need for any pluggable databases

недеља, 21. октобар 2018.

ORACLE 18 C XE 2 cpu 2 gbytes RAM

oracle 18 c XE can be install on centos 7, installation step is like this:

oracle 18 c XE on centos 6/7 need packages as additionaly installing and check is this ok

photo 1 its need 4 packages (libaio development, compat libcat1, compat-libstdc++ 33,  ksh for centos 7 need 10 packages) and finally need run check if can be pass.
time to competed installation depends of CPU power, in my cases its 20-30 minutes

photo 3 finaly completed installation
photo 4 Acces from other pc over from local hostas SYS as username and password in my case Manager1- without computer name

photo 5
 export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/18c/dbhomeXE
export ORACLE_SID=XEPDB1 just created and ./sqlplus launch sql terminal
need set position for apex folders (4/5/18) and run @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ or other folders

photo 6 plugable database 2 (PDB2) and PDB3 AND PDB4
its max 12 gbytes each.(with compression it could be 20-30 gbytes!!) 

oracle apex version 5.1.4 can be install as simple connect as  /opt/oracle/product/18x/dbhome/bin/sqlplus sys/Manager1-@localhost:1521/XEPDB1 as sysdba starting from sqlplus command line @apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/ under plugable database XEPDB1

sqlplus sys/Manager1-@localhost:1521/XE as sysdba
sql>create table space GGG datafile '/opt/oracle/oradata/XE/XEPDB1/GGG.dbf' SIZE 10g DEFAULT COMPRESS FOR OLTP;
and its offer minimum 3 x database spaces (20-30 gbytes)

automatic start oracle 18 c xe database
as root /usr/bin/systemctl daemon-reload, /usr/bin/systemctl enable oracle-xe-18c

субота, 1. септембар 2018.

Java script and region organisation of apex 18 pages

Apex have good way how to organise part of regions in one pages, with adding
new region, and set it on next row or current row, in this sample its easily set one by one regions (html with js or select from tables) With no loging pages, its limited options, for adding new regions (for example with interactive grids, master detailed or 2,3,4 up to 6-7 older called tabulary forms limited by page area)


with simple js  button on html and connect with oracle database table columns its ease to make different kind of data manipulations, mathematics calculations, etc

This is olde example from apex 3.0 and 4.01 I m trying to implement into apex 18
and its no any complications, I can do, but new colors, new re-deployment functions oracle 5/18 apex have, make me difficulity, becouse I dont have routine, as I have on apex 4/3/2, but functionality and features apex 18 have make me very big interest to see and know how to make programs easily.

< input type="button" onclick

   ="console.log('log faj could be see with F12 browser firefox options')" value

="console.log() continue region 1"

----< input type=
---"button" onclick=
value="alert($v('P4_NEW'));" />

organisation of regions

понедељак, 27. август 2018.

Stored procedure on apex 18 working perfect
Simple checking availability of free roms/houses/cars... any other assets from bigest oracle databases should be realised with simple stored procedures (not working with apex 4.2.6 dont know why ? but working with apex 2.2/5.1/5.2/18)


its recreated stored procedures from google,  p_enter_plandate i was renamed and
changed if conditions and variables, for testing it on oracle apex 5.2

create or replace procedure "CHS"
( datum1 IN DATE,
  min1 IN NUMBER default 90,
  message OUT varchar2 )
countt number :=0;
cursor checking (datum1 in date, min1 in number) is
select count(*) from bkcc_pro pro
where datum1 = sysdate;
      open checking (datum1, min1);
      fetch checking into countt;
      if (countt = 0) then
          insert into bkcc_pro (pro_id, pro_begin, pro_minutee, pro_available, pro_bocked)
        values (bkcc_pro_seq.nextval, datum1, min1, 0, 0);
       message := 'One record successfull inserted';
     elsif (countt = 1) then
       message := 'no record ';
     message := 'next duplicate record ';
     end if;
     close checking;

Oracle apex 18 found all procedures and show it on popup, but apex 4.2.6 cant found and when I put in search field forms are not created
Anyway, stored procedures works good on apex 5/18

четвртак, 9. август 2018.

apex 4.2 demo all diagrams

уторак, 31. јул 2018.

Simple data loading application apex 18.1

Its need 10 minutes to build example application on web to easily insert date into table from csv for different kind of purposes

Any kind of graficaly representations can be simple created, and connect to jasperreprts integration can be exported into pdf/word/excell..


среда, 27. јун 2018.

Oracle apex could very easily collect and for statisticaly purposes manipulate with huge data files collect from different sources in the world

Source: Data provided through GARPR 2014
Source: 2013 HIV Prevalence and Socio-behavioural Characteristics Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Across Seven Sites in Malawi
Source: 2013 Malawi Biological and Behavioural Surveillance Study (Preliminary Report)
Source: 2013 Malawi Biological and Behavioural Surveillance Study (Preliminary Results)
Source: Behavioural Surveillance Survey, 2013
Source: Data provided through GARPR 2014
Source: GARPR 2014
Source: Malawi MSM Final Report, 2014
Source: PHIA
Source: Spectrum
Source: UNAIDS special analysis
UNAIDS estimates.
WHO MPHIA tables_2018
WHO THIS tables_2018
World Bank, International Comparison Program database.
World Health Organization Global Health Expenditure database ( 60 mbytes zip date)

Strong graphicaly functions give basic informations for different kind of reports


субота, 26. мај 2018.

truck with zones

this oracle apex 18.1 version have dinamicaly actions, determinating time zone forms populated fileds enabling and disable each define advanced
Dinamicaly actions is same as build in apex 4 (only different presentation and positions on 18.1). In this examples exist cascade lov (working as previous version 4.x)



web application for analysis horses races

This examples show visitors horse performances and have basic predictions
Idea is collect dates about horses and analyse performances, build with simple maste detail

tracking for specific items with oracle apex 5.2

Reports need to track 4 dates and calculate differences betwen sent and returns, begin and end agreements. Idea is with extend loaded into blob attached documents (its 500-700 documents per year all with apps 1 mbytes) and with oracle 11g xe which is up to 11 gbytes should be posible.



среда, 18. април 2018.

master detail oracle apex 5.1.x

Master detail oracle apex 5.1 have advanced options, older version apex (4.x/3.x) dont have, on one page could be put 2,3,4... interactive grid (known as tabular form on oldest apex version)
from master page (from master tables) user can view detail for every records( usefull in purchase order/ purchase order lines, invoices and invoice line, orders/order lines, Bill of Quantity / Bill Of quantity lines...all master - detailed situations)
theme 42 apex 5.1 have good performances with mozilla browsers (tablet, mobile ...) and apex users can get informations in any places.

Creating region with select type as interactive grid on design mode (not depretiotion mode) should be added details interactive grid with exactly row id selections.

недеља, 15. април 2018.

tracking contract for billing systems

Tracking contract values can be very usefull in billing systems, this example show how this work in oracle apex 5.1


  with nums as
 (select level r from dual connect by level <= 9999)
select t.START_DATES,add_months(t.START_DATES, decode(FLEX002,'MONTH',1,'YEAR',12) * (r-1) ) dt,t.FLEX002,t.NUMBER_OF_PARTS, nums.r,t.CODE_CO,
((VALUE_CO-t.PARTICIPATION-t.ADD_VALUE)/t.NUMBER_OF_PARTS) as debt_value_per_months
 from contract t, nums
 where t.NUMBER_OF_PARTS >= nums.r
 order by t.START_DATES

this view -plan insert values into PLAN_TABLE with procedure calling in final steps in oracle apex form, as active transactions or not, shoud be changes in contract adding cnex of contract-thats reason

 Modal dialog is form for input new values for new contract, consist :
contract values, contract begin -date, contract end -date, number of months between start date and end date is equivalent of number of rates, participation values, if some pay initialy money

Model dialog looks
and with java script have calculations for populate fields

субота, 31. март 2018.

oracle apex 5.1.4 change clasical report to timeline

Gui give extend informations for some internal processing and have great visualisations for users on very simple way
 all version apex have this options, version 5.1.4 give mostly plug - in extends
and this is advanced options now with oracle 11g xe databases I m using for own manipulation of dates (import, sort, select updates inserting etc)

Switch from clasical select * from  view to timeline view :