субота, 15. мај 2010.

AccountingRS how to set on Adempipere 354a/355 (KONTNI PLAN)

Duplicate records and lenght more than 60 bytes, column maximum recognise as error, so need import AcountUS.csv and then update accounts. Initial client setup is like fig 1. Adempiere 353a have corected AccountsRS.csv( KONTNI PLAN REPUBLIKE SRBIJE), but Adempiere 354 and 355 not.

Fig 1 Import AccountsRS.csv

Fig 2 insert accounts RS

Fig 3 message

Fig 4 Completed accounting of Republic of Serbia (KONTNI PLAN REPUBLIKE SRBIJE - maj 2010)

Adempiere based on postgresql 8.3 and JBoss 432

Postgresql 8.3 is relational database, compatible with Adempiere 353a/354a (and older version of Adempiere). Postgresql 8.3 vs Oracle XE 10g is in limit of available spaces, oracle have 4gbytes max data. Its too spaces if u not need pictures (for products, for scanned contracts, other documents, files, pictures in jpg, pdf, png and other formats). With Oracle sql developer can be develop very easy Oracle tables/procedures and functions, but plugin for postgresql not exist yet. This is simple examples how can user/users install Adempiere 353/354 with postgresq databases. I was trying it, based on Ubuntu 9.04 operating systems.

Fig 2 creation new database with pgadmin III

Fig 3 Adempiere_pg.dmp will install adempiere relational model with initial data, with utility dumping, like pic 3 descibe

Fig 4 Runing RUN_setup.sh installation begin.

среда, 17. фебруар 2010.

Adempiere 3.5.4a 3 monhts testing

I was installing Adempiere 3.5.4a and testing this version 3 monhts. It was stable as older version.(353) I was using Oracle xe 10 g with every day beckup and every week dumping Adempiere.dmp file. Two times I was reinstall Oracle XE 10g with full reinstall Ubuntu 9.04 platforms, and I was migrating old dates 100% succses.(Adempiere dmp was over 200 mbytes and with cirilic, loading was 4 hours) Aplication server is glassfish v2. So look that Adempiere 353 and 354 cab be stable ERP systems form enterprise. I was trying import and older dmp(from 353) but theres some errors!

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